Articles on this website
Bakker, Pieter: Andreas Werckmeister.
Die historische Einordnung seiner Schriften, 1998. English translation by Pleuke Boyce Andreas Werckmeister.
The Historical Positioning of his Writings, 2015.
Bakker, Pieter: Harmonische getallen.
De muziektheorie van Andreas Werckmeister, 2012
Bakker, Pieter: Harmonische Zahlen
Die Musiktheorie des Andreas Werckmeister, 2013
Bakker, Pieter: Proportionen.
Ein Fall von Serendipität in der Musikforschung, 2014
Bakker, Pieter: Postmodern Numbers.
Ruth Tatlow on Proportions in the Written Music of Johann Sebastian Bach, 2015
de Beer, Anton: The Development of
31-tone Music, 1965
van Dijk, Marian: Hollands dilettantisme!
Het muzikale gedachtengoed van professor Fokker, 1996
Dijksterhuis, E.J.: Adriaan
Fokker: Rekenkundige bespiegeling der muziek (book review), 1946
Fokker, Adriaan: Het muzikale
toonstelsel van Christiaan Huygens, de normale diëzenstemming, 1942
Fokker, A.D. and Martin Lürsen: Radio-uitzending Euler-orgel (audio),
lecture with music examples (in Dutch), Haarlem, Nov 1945, 30 min., 28 MB.
Fokker, Adriaan: Les Mathématiques et la musique,
chapter IV, 1947
Fokker, Adriaan en Jan van Dijk: Expériences musicales
avec les genres musicaux de Leonhard Euler contenant la septième harmonique,
met composities, 1949
Fokker, Adriaan: De middentoonstemming gedemonstreerd, 1949
Fokker, Adriaan: Just intonation and the combination
of harmonic diatonic melodic groups, Martinus Nijhoff, Den Haag, 1949
Fokker, Adriaan: De behoefte aan grotere
nauwkeurigheid in de muzikale notatie der toonhoogte, 1953
Fokker, Adriaan: Equal Temperament and the
Thirty-one-keyed Organ, 1955
Fokker, Adriaan: Unesco lecture about the 31-tone system
(in French), 1958 (MP3, 5 MB)
Fokker, Adriaan: Optelakkoorden, 1960
Fokker, Adriaan: Oor en Stem. Bundel solfège-oefeningen met harmonischen aan de nagedachtenis van Willem Pijper en Martinus Lürsen, 1963
Fokker, Adriaan: Met verjongde oren, 1964
Fokker, Adriaan: New Music with 31 Notes, 1966. English translation by Leigh Gerdine, 1975.
Fokker, Adriaan (ed.): Simon Stevin's views on music, 1966
Fokker, Adriaan: On the Expansion of the Musician's
Realm of Harmony, 1967
Fokker, Adriaan: Unison vectors and periodicity
blocks in the three-dimensional (3-5-7) harmonic lattice of notes, 1969
Gibelius, Otto: Propositiones Mathematico-Musicae, 1666.
Modern edition by Pieter Bakker (ed.), 2007
Harlow, Randall: Recent
Organ Design Innovations and the 21st-century “Hyperorgan” with
examples, 2011
Huygens, Christiaan: Lettre touchant le Cycle Harmonique, 1691
Kroesbergen, Willem and Andrew Cruickshank: 18th
Century Quotes on J.S. Bach’s Temperament, 2013
Kroesbergen, Willem and Andrew Cruickshank: Blankenburg: Equal or
unequal temperament during J.S. Bach's life, 2014
Kunst, Jaap: Teylers muzikale prijsvraag, 1946
Lambooij, Th.: Klaas Douwes van Tzum
(Fr.) en zijn "Grondig onderzoek van de toonen der musyk", 1953
Lemkes, Bouw: Over zuivere intonatie. Het
levenswerk van prof. A.D. Fokker, 1968
Loman, A.D.: De zuivere muzikale
intuïtie van den toonkunstenaar plus reactie van A.D. Fokker:
Over cis en des, 1947
Pels, B.J.A.: L'orgue accordé en cinquièmes de ton du
Musée Teyler a Haarlem, 1950
Persoons, Indra: Componeren in 13-EDO. Praktijkgericht en theoretisch onderzoek.
MA thesis, LUCA School of Arts, University of Leuven, 2022, and
Rapoport, Paul: About 31-tone equal temperament,
an essay with Songs of fruit and vegetables, 1987
Rasch, Rudolf: Adriaan Daniël
Fokker (1887-1972): Musicus tricesimoprimalis, 1988
Stevin, Simon: On the theory of the art of singing
(Vande Spiegheling der Singconst), 1585, annotated English translation by
A.D. Fokker (ed.) with introduction, 1966
Telemann, Georg Philipp: Letzte Beschäfftigung
Georg Philipp Telemanns, im 86sten Lebensjahre, bestehend in einer musikalische
Klang- und Intervallen-Tafel, 1767, with commentary
Terpstra, Siemen: An Arithmetical Rubric attending
the distribution of `best' multiple-divisions, 1993
Terpstra, Siemen: Toward a theory of
meantone (and 31-ET) harmony
Terpstra, Siemen: An integrated colour-code for
microtonal guitar fret-boards, 1998
Terpstra, Siemen: The set of neutral diatonic modes, 2010
Terpstra, Siemen: On dominant substitutions, 2010
Terpstra, Siemen: On chord progressions, 2011
Toncitch, Voya (Jean-François Grancher): Philosophie
de la musique contemporaine. Dialectique du son. Contribution à la recherche, 1975
Wijmenga, Gjalt: The Fringe World of Microtonal Keyboards, 2013
Wijmenga, Gjalt: The Indian Keyboard, 2015
Wijmenga, Gjalt: The I Tjing of music, 2024
Introduction to concert of Pieter-Jan Belder "Anders gestemd: Werckmeister III", 1991 (Dutch)
Introduction to concert of Bob van Asperen on the cembalo chromatico, 1992 (Dutch)
Publications of Stichting Huygens-Fokker
- Yearbook 1988 with articles by Rudolf Rasch, Adriaan A. Fokker jr.,
Jeroen Fokker and Siemen Terpstra.
- Yearbook 1992 with annual reports 1987-1991; statutes;
concert programmes 1989, 1990 and 1991; articles by Leo de
Vries and Ezra Sims.
- Yearbook 1994 with annual reports 1992, 1993 and 1994;
concert programmes 1992, 1993 and 1994; information about microtonal
groups and articles by Rudolf Rasch, Siemen Terpstra, Harold Fortuin and
Leo de Vries.
- Audio CD 50 Years Stichting Huygens-Fokker
- Thirty One, a microtonal series vol. 1,
with articles by Donald Bousted, Leo de Vries and Buzz Kimball, 2004.
Price is €10 plus €4 shipping outside Europe and €2 inside.
Publications of the Teyler Stichting
- Fokker, A.D. "Ultrasone trillingen", Archives du Musée Teyler
vol. 3 no. 8, 1938, p. 414.
- Fokker, A.D. en Balth. van der Pol. "Harmonische muziek", Lezingen Haarlem,
Teylers Museum, 20, 27 December 1941, Archives du Musée Teyler vol. 9
no. 5, 1942, pp. 449-540.
- Pol, Balthasar van der. "Muziek en elementaire getallentheorie",
Archives du Musée Teyler vol. 9, Fasc. 5, 1942, pp. 507-540.
- Lürsen, Mart J. Modi Antichi, Musiche Nuove. Een verzameling composities
in de tien toongeslachten van den derden graad. Partituur plus
toelichting/introduction. De erven F. Bohn N.V., Haarlem, 1947. (Verhandelingen
uitgegeven door Teyler's Tweede Genootschap, Nieuwe Reeks, 13)
- Fokker, A.D. "Les mathématiques et la musique. Trois conférences",
Archives du Musée Teyler vol. 10, 1947.
- Fokker, A.D. en Jan van Dijk. "Expériences musicales avec les genres
musicaux de Leonhard Euler contenant la septième harmonique",
Archives du Musée Teyler vol. 10 no. 3, 1951, pp. 133-146.
- Fokker, A.D. "La gamme, la musique et le tempérament égal",
Conférence faite à la Sorbonne, Paris, 15 janvier 1951. Archives du
Musée Teyler vol. 10 no. 3, 1951, pp. 147-160.
- Fokker, A.D. "Les possibilités d'une notation musicale de plus
grande précision", Voordracht voor de Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Muziekwetenschap, Utrecht, 10 december 1949. Archives du Musée
Teyler vol. 10 no. 3, 1951, pp. 161-171.
- Fokker, A.D. "Les fréquences dans le tempérament égal à trent-et-un
cinquièmes de ton", Archives du Musée Teyler vol. 10 no. 3, 1951, p. 172.
- Fokker, A.D., Jan van Dijk en B.J.A. Pels. "Recherches musicales,
théoriques et pratiques", Archives du Musée Teyler,
extrait du tome X, Martinus Nijhoff, Den Haag, 1951, pp. 133-184.
- Fokker, A.D. "Un orgue à demitons majeurs et mineurs placé au
Musée Teyler à Haarlem", Archives du Musée Teyler vol. 10 no. 3, 1951, pp. 182-184.
- Pels, B.J.A. "L'orgue accordé en cinquièmes de ton du Musée Teyler à
Haarlem", Archives du Musée Teyler serie III, vol. 10, 1951, pp. 173-181.
Other sources
Thirty One - a microtonal series
In March 2004 the first volume of this new journal from the Huygens-Fokker
Foundation came out. Published in English, it has articles from three different
countries. Leo de Vries, one of the most dedicated microtonalists in the
Netherlands, presents four articles covering microtonal transpositions, a new
rhythmical notation and several highly developed new instrumental theories.
Buzz Kimball of the United States continues the instrumental theme with tips
on building and practicing 31 tone guitars and Donald Bousted of the U.K.
presents a unique new insight into the tuning actualities of performance.
Bousted, Donald. "An Empirical Study of Quarter-Tone Intonation", pp. 1-35.
Vries, Leo de. "Microtone Scales in Equal Temperament Tone Systems", pp. 37-51.
Vries, Leo de. "The Keyboard-Notation coherence and a variable keyboard",
pp. 53-63.
Erratum: the figure on page 56 is the same as on page 55, this is
the right Fokker keyboard figure of page 56.
Vries, Leo de. "Du-Tri, a Refined Time Notation", pp. 65-68.
Vries, Leo de. "The Violalino as microtonal bowing instrument", pp. 69-77.
Kimball, Buzz. "Visions of the enharmonic, and incursions in building and
playing 31 tone equal temperament guitars", pp. 79-85.
There are no copies of Thirty One left anymore.