Tuning & temperament bibliography

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  • Eargle, John M. Music, Sound and Technology. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990, 302 pages. 2nd ed., 1995. Springer, Dordrecht, Apr 2012.
  • Earls, Paul. "Harry Partch: Verses in Preparation for 'Delusion of the Fury'", Annuario vol. 3, Inter-American Institute for Musical Research, Tulane University, 1967, pp. 1-32.
  • Earls, Paul. "Genesis of a Music by Harry Partch (book review)", Anuario Interamericano de Investigacion Musical vol. 10, University of Texas Press, 1974, pp. 223-224.
  • Eaton, John. "A Portable Electronic Instrument", Music Journal, 1966.
  • Ebbeke, Klaus. "Compositions pour quator et trio à cordes d'Ivan Wyschnegradsky", CD notes, Compositions pour quator et trio à cordes, Block, Berlin, 1990, pp. 23-29.
  • Ebeling, Martin. Tonhöhe physikalisch - musikalisch - psychologisch - mathematisch. Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., Feb 1999, 200 pages.
  • Ebeling, Martin. Verschmelzung und neuronale Autokorrelation als Grundlage einer Konsonanztheorie. PhD thesis, Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 2007, 240 pages.
  • Ebeling, Martin and Morgana Petrik (eds.) Harmonie - musikalisch, philosophisch, psychologisch, neurologisch. Series: Schriftenreihe der Carl Stumpf Gesellschaft vol. 7, Verlang Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M., 2017, 164 pages.
  • Eberhardt, Siegfried. Absolute Treffsicherheit auf der Violine. Adolf Fürstner, Berlin, 1912, 92 pages.
  • Eberl, Kathrin; Konstanze Musketa and Wolfgang Ruf (eds.) Daniel Gottlob Türk - Theoretiker, Komponist, Pädagoge und Musiker. Bericht über die wissenschaftliche Konferenz anlässlich des 250. Geburtstages am 3. und 4. November 2000 im Händel-Haus Halle, Händel-Haus, Halle an der Saale, 2002, 352 pages.
  • Eberle, Gottfried. "Ivan Wyschnegradsky, ein russischer Pionier der Ultrachromatik", Neue Zeitschrift für Musik vol. 9, Sep 1974, pp. 549-555.
  • Eberle, Gottfried. "'Absolute Harmonie' und 'Ultrachromatik'. Nicolaj Obuchov und Ivan Wyschnegradsky - zwei radikale Fälle von Skrjabin Nachfolge", Alexander Skrjabin, Graz, 1980, p. 95.
  • Eberle, Gottfried. "Mysterium und Lichttempel. Alexander Skrjabin und Ivan Wyschnegradsky - zwei multimediale Konzepte (music review)", Beiheft zur Ausstellung Der Hang zum Gesamtkunstwerk, Berlin, 1983, p. 48.
  • Eberlein, Roland. "Selektive Adaptation bei Akkorden", Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA '86, 1986, pp. 389-392.
  • Eberlein, Roland. Theorien und Experimente zur Wahrnehmung musikalischer Klänge. PhD thesis, Universität Köln, Europäische Hochschulschriften Reihe 36, Musikwissenschaft Band 44, Verlag Peter Lang, Bern/Berlin, 1990, 174 pages.
  • Eberlein, Roland. "Geschichte der Orgelstimmungen, Weitere Texte zum Thema Orgelstimmungen", WWW, 2016-2018, 7 articles, 70 pages.
  • Ebhardt, Gotthilf Frederic. Die höhern Lehrzweige der Tonsetzkunst: 1 Die musikalische Cadenz; 2 Die Fortschreitung, Ausweichung und der Übergang, mit Rücksicht auf die verschiedenen Cadenzen und melodischen Tonführungen; 3 Die Rythmik in Bezug auf Taktarten und ganze Sätze, etc., nebst einem Anhang über die Verwandtschaft der griechischen Tonarten mit unserem harmonischen System. Hofmeister, Leipzig, 1830, 260 pages.
  • Eccles, John and Daniel Purcell. Rules for Tuning a Harpsichord or Spinnet. 1702.
  • Echols, Jane Agnew. Melchiore de Barberiis's lute intabulations of sacred music. MA thesis, University of North Carolina, 1973, 275 pages.
  • Eck, Cathy van. "A good servant dismissed for becoming a bad master. Zur Geschichte der gleichstufigen Temperatur", Dissonance vol. 110, Basel, 2010, pp. 34-43.
  • Eckardt, Jason Keith. Parametric Articulation of Pitch Materials in Composition (parameters, perception, polarities, original composition). MA thesis, Columbia University, New York, 1998, 109 pages.
  • Eckersley, Dominic. "Rosetta Revisited: Bach's Very Ordinary Temperament", WWW, 2012, 21 pages.
  • Eckhardt, Jason C. "Listening and Composing", Current Musicology vol. 67-68, Columbia University, 2002, pp. 73-91.
  • Ederer, Eric B. The Theory and Praxis of Makam in Classical Turkish Music 1910-2010. PhD thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011.
  • Edholm, Dag W. "Temperaturen är i det närmste liksväfvig .... Till frågan om svenska orgelbyggares sätt att temperera efter 1700-talets mitt", Orgelforum vol. 23, 2001, pp. 18-23.
  • Edlund, Lars. Modus novus; Studies in reading atonal melodies. Nordiska Musikförlaget, Stockholm, 1963, 111 pages.
  • Edmonds, E.M. and M.E. Smith. "The Phenomenological Description of Musical Intervals", The American Journal of Psychology vol. 34 no. 2, Apr 1923, pp. 287-291.
  • Edmonson, Frank A. III. "Effect of Interval Direction on Pitch Acuity in Solo Vocal Performance", Journal of Research in vol. 20 no. 2, summer 1972, pp. 246-254.
  • Edskes, Cornelius Herman and Siwert Meijer (eds.) De nagelaten geschriften van de orgelmaker Arp Schnitger (1648-1719). Boeijenga, Sneek, Jan 1968, 80 pages.
  • Edskes, Cornelius Herman. "Über die Stimmtonhöhe und Temperatur der Arp Schnitger-Orgel von St. Jacobi in Hamburg", Cornelius H. Edskes. Doctor Honoris Causa (publication in honor of Cornelius H. Edskes, 19 October 1996), Hans Davidsson and Paul Peeters (eds.), Gothenburg, 1996, pp. 19-41.
  • Edwards, C.A. Organs and Organ Building. 'The Bazaar' Office, London, 1880, 248 pages.
  • Edwards, Michael; John Kitchen; Nikki Moran; Zack Moir and Richard Moir. Fundamentals of Music Theory. University of Edinburgh, Oct 2021, 126 pages.
  • Egan, John B. (ed.) Marin Mersenne, Traité de l'harmonie universelle: Critical Translation of the Second Book. PhD thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington IN, 1962, 260 pages.
  • Eger, Arthur. Stimmungshöhe und Stimmungsart und ihre Probleme bei der Wiederherstellung alter wertvoller Orgeln mit einer Untersuchung der Temperatur Gottfried Silbermann. self-published, Freiberg, 1959, 24 pages.
  • Eger, Arthur. Eine Ergänzung zu meiner Schrift 'Stimmungshöhe und Stimmungsart' als Beitrag zur geplanten Neustimmung der Silbermannorgel in der St. Petrikirche zu Freiberg im Jahre 1961. self-published, Freiberg, 1960, 4 pages.
  • Eggebrecht, Hans Heinrich. Musik im Abendland. Prozesse und Stationen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Piper Verlag, München, 1991, 838 pages.
  • Eggen, Erik. Skalastudier. Studier over skalaens genesis på norrønt område. PhD thesis, Eberh. B. Oppi's Förlag, Oslo, 1923, 99 pages.
  • Eggen, Erik. "Zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der Skala", Gedenkboek aangeboden aan Dr. D.F. Scheurleer op zijn 70sten verjaardag, Martinus Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage, 1925, pp. 103-106.
  • Eggers, Wolfgang. Die Stimmungs- und Intonationsprobleme auf der Gambe. Möseler Verlag, Wolfenbüttel, 1986, 31 pages.
  • Eggert, Kenneth Scott. Musica Universalis: From the Lambdoma of Pythagoras to the Tonality Diamond of Harry Partch. MA thesis, Montclair State University, Montclair NJ, 2013, 78 pages.
  • Eggington, Timothy John. Benjamin Cooke (1734-93), Composer and Academician:Science, Ancient Authority and the Advancement of English Music. PhD thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London, Jan 2008, 2 vols., 463 pages incl. scores.
  • Eggington, Timothy John. "Music, Experiment and Mathematics in England, 1653-1705 by Benjamin Wardhaugh (book review)", Fontes Artis Musicae vol. 57 no. 4, Oct-Dec 2010, pp. 429-431.
  • Eggington, Timothy John. "John Birchensha: Writings on Music (book review)", Cambridge, WWW, Oct 2012.
  • Eichhorn, Holger. "Ensemble-Intonation im 17. Jahrhundert", Stimmungen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Vielfalt oder Konfusion?, 15. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposion in Michaelstein am 11. und 12. November 1994, Günter Fleischhauer, Monika Lustig, Wolfgang Ruf, Frieder Zschoch (eds.), Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte Bd. 52, Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein, 1997, pp. 142-150.
  • Eichler, C. Die Orgel, ihre Beschreibung, Behandlung und Geschichte; insbesondere für angehende Organisten dargestellt: Eingeführt durch Dr. Th. Eisenlohr. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart, 1858, 16 pages.
  • Eijken, Eugène. Een onderzoek naar getempereerd spel op houtblaasinstrumenten in de 17e en 18e eeuw, in het bijzonder op de blokfluit. Koninklijk Conservatorium, Den Haag, 1982.
  • Eik, Jaap van. "De kwartenbas van Jeroen Thesseling", Music Maker, Sep 1995, pp. 26-29.
  • Eimert, Herbert. Grundlagen der musikalischen Reihentechnik. Universal Edition, Vienna, 1964, 174 pages.
  • Einbond, Aaron; Christopher Trapani and Diemo Schwartz. "Precise pitch control in Real Time Corpus-Based concatenative synthesis", Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Ljubljana, 2012, pp. 584-588.
  • Eisenberg, Jacob. "Virdung's Keyboard Illustrations", Galpin Society Journal vol. 15, Mar 1962, pp. 82-88.
  • Eitner, Robert. "Scheibler, Johann Heinrich", Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) vol. 30, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1890, pp. 702-704.
  • Eitz, Carl Andreas. Das mathematisch-reine Tonsystem. Breitkopf und Härtel, Leipzig, 1891, 50 pages. Kessinger Publishing, Whitefish MT, Feb 2010.
  • Eitz, Carl Andreas. The tone-word system and its relation to the three kinds of tuning existing in music, viz. the pure quint tuning, the tempered one and the naturally pure one. Breitkopf und Härtel, Leipzig, 1905, 3 pages.
  • Eitz, Carl Andreas. Das Tonwort: Bausteine zur musikalischen Volksbildung. Frank Bennedik, (ed.), Breitkopf und Härtel, Leipzig, 1911, 1928, 192 pages.
  • Eitz, Carl Andreas. Der Gesangunterricht als Grundlage der musikalischen Volksbildung. 1914, 1924.
  • Eitz, Carl Andreas. "Von den natürlich reinen Stimmungsverhältnissen", Melos vol. 1 no. 13, 1920, pp. 293-295.
  • Eitz, Carl Andreas. "Der Weg zum Notenverständnis", Melos vol. 2 no. 5-6, 1921, pp. 109-110.
  • Ekholm, Elizabeth. "The Effect of Singing Mode and Seating Arrangement on Choral Blend and Overall Choral Sound", Journal of Research in vol. 48 no. 2, 2000.
  • Ekman, Petter. The Intonation Systems of Harry Partch. BA composition, Iceland Academy of the Arts, Mar 2011, 23 pages.
  • Ekmelische Musik, Gesellschaft für. 10 Jahre Gesellschaft für ekmelische Musik. Universität Mozarteum, Salzburg, 1991.
  • Ekmelische Musik, Internationale Gesellschaft für. 20 Jahre Internationale Gesellschaft für ekmelische Musik. Elisabeth Richter, Horst-Peter Hesse, Ezra Sims, Johannes Kotschy and Maria Richter-Taborsky (eds.), with introduction by Johannes Kotschy, Salzburg, 2001, 35 pages.
  • Ekowski, Christian (ed.) "Interview mit Gustav Leonhardt, Pionier des 'historischen' Bachspiels", organ - Journal für die Orgel vol. 4, 2000.
  • Ekwueme, Laz. E.N. "Concepts of African Musical Theory", Journal of Black Studies vol. 5 no. 1, Sep 1974, pp. 35-64.
  • Ekwueme, Laz. E.N. "Analysis and Analytic Techniques in African Music: A Theory of Melodic Scales", African Music: Journal of the African Music Society vol. 6 no. 1, July 1980, pp. 89-106.
  • Elia, Alessio. "Polysystemism: A Tool for Shaping Music by Relation to Acoustic Phenomena. An introduction to Polysystemism", Zivá hudba vol. 11, University of Prague, 2020, pp. 128-156.
  • Elia, Alessio. Musical Structures, Techniques of Composition and their Perception as Aural Phenomena. PhD thesis, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, 2012.
  • Elia, Alessio. "Polysystemism: a simultaneous employment of different tuning systems derived from contemporary physics and aural perception of related phenomena", Just in Tone and Time - Assoziationen an Manfred Stahnke - eine Festschrift, Benjamin Helmer and Georg Hajdu (eds.), von Bockel Verlag, 2017, 332 pages.
  • Eliot, Samuel A. "The Euharmonic Organ", The Living Age, 7 Sep 1850, pp. 473-479.
  • Ellinger, Karl. "Bericht 2013", Braunau am Inn, WWW, Mar 2013, 4 pages.
  • Ellinwood, Leonard (ed.) The 'Musica' of Hermannus Contractus. English translation by Leonard Ellinwood with introduction by John L. Snyder, 1936, 1952. 2nd ed., Eastman Studies in Music, Boydell & Brewer, University of Rochester Press, Rochester NY, Nov 2015, 240 pages.
  • Ellinwood, Leonard. "Joseph Yasser: Mediaeval Quartal Harmony (A Plea for Restoration) (book review)", Speculum vol. 15 no. 1, Jan 1940, pp. 127-128.
  • Ellinwood, Leonard. "Guidonis Aretini Micrologus by Smits van Waesberghe (book review)", Notes second series vol. 12 no. 4, Sep 1955, pp. 600-602.
  • Elliot, J.; J.R. Platt and R.J. Racine. "Adjustment of successive and simultaneous intervals by musically experienced and inexperienced subjects", Perception & Psychophysics vol. 42, Nov 1987, pp. 594-598. Also here.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the Conditions, Extent, and Realization of a Perfect Musical Scale on Instruments with Fixed Tones", Proceedings of the Musical Society of London vol. 13 no. 13, Dec 1864, pp. 93-108.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the Physical Constitution and Relations of Musical Chords", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London vol. 13 no. 13, Dec 1864, pp. 392-404.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Two memoirs on the theory of musical sounds", Proceedings of the Royal Society vol. 13 no. 13, London, Dec 1864. Reprint Taylor and Francis, London, 1864, 34 pages.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the Temperament of Instruments with Fixed Tones", Proceedings of the Royal Society vol. 13 no. 13, London, Dec 1864, pp. 404-422. Also here.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Mesotonic Harmonium", Proceedings of the Musical Association vol. 1, 1874, p. 41.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Illustrations of Just and Tempered Intonation", Proceedings of the Musical Association vol. 1, 1874, pp. 159-165.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On Musical Duodenes, or the Theory of Constructing Instruments with fixed Tones in Just or in practically Just Intonation", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London vol. 23 no. 156-163, Dec 1875, pp. 3-31.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the Sensitiveness of the Ear to Pitch and Change of Pitch in Music", Proceedings of the Musical Association vol. 3, London, Nov 1876, pp. 1-32. Reprint Kraus Reprint, Vaduz, 1966. Also here.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Tonometry", The Athenaeum no. 2562, Dec 1876, p. 731.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Tonometry", The Musical World vol. 55 no. 7, Feb 1877, p. 117.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Tonometry", Journal of the Franklin Institute vol. 103 no. 2, Feb 1877, pp. 101-106.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the basis of music, containing an elementary account of the nature of musical notes and chords, the generation of scales and modulations, and the origin and effects of the usual tempered scales", lecture, 14 Mar 1877, reprinted with numerous additions and alterations from the Educational Times, Apr 1877. C.F. Hodgson & Son, London, 1877, 48 pages.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Recently Proposed Improvements in Musical Intonation", Nature: the international journal of science vol. 15, Macmillan Publishers Limited, London, 29 Mar 1877, pp. 475-477.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the Measurement and Settlement of Musical Pitch", Journal of the Society of Arts vol. 25 no. 1279, 25 May 1877, pp. 664-687.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Musical Temperament (letter)", The Athenaeum no. 2594, New Statesman Ltd., July 1877, pp. 57-58.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Notes of Observations on Musical Beats", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London vol. 30 no. 200-205, Jan 1880, pp. 520-533.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the History of Musical Pitch", Journal of the Society of Arts vol. 28, Mar 1880, pp. 293-336; appendix pp. 400-403; postscript in vol. 29, 1881, pp. 109-113. Reprint in Studies in the History of Musical Pitch, Frits A.M. Knuf, Amsterdam, 1963, pp. 11-62.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Appendix", Journal Of The Society Of Arts, 2 April 1880, pp. 293-336. Reprint Frits A.M. Knuf, Amsterdam, 1963.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the Influence of temperature on the musical pitch of harmonium reeds", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London vol. 31 no. 206-211, Jan 1881, pp. 413-415.
  • Ellis, Alexander John and Alfred James Hipkins. "Tonometrical Observations on Some Existing Nonharmonic Musical Scales", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London vol. 37 no. 232-234, Nov 1884, pp. 368-385. Also here.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Musical Scales of Various Nations", paper read at the Society of Arts, Nature vol. 31, Mar 1885, pp. 488-490.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "The 'Natural' Scale", paper read before the Society of Arts, London, Apr 1885.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Tonic Sol-fa Minor Scale (letter)", The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular vol. 27 no. 523, Sep 1886, pp. 547-549. Correction, p. 679. Also here.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "Conversion, Inversion, Reversion, Retroversion (letter)", The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular vol. 27 no. 524, Oct 1886, p. 614. Also here.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. "On the Musical Scales of Various Nations", Journal of the Society of the Arts vol. 33 no. 1688, London, 1885, pp. 485-527. Revised and enlarged version of "Tonometrical Observations...", also reprinted for private circulation by the author, with additions and corrections, Apr 1885. German translation "Über die Tonleitern verschiedener Völker" by Erich von Hornbostel in Sammelbände für vergleichende Musikwissenschaft vol. 1, München, 1922, p. 18. Reprint in A century of ethnomusicological thought, Kay Kaufman Shelemay (ed.), Garland Publications, New York, 1990, pp. 1-43.
  • Ellis, Alexander John. Studies in the History of Musical Pitch. Arthur Mendel (ed.), Frits Knuf, Amsterdam, 1968, 238 pages.
  • Ellis, Catherine J. and Bernard Seymour. "Pre-Instrumental Scales", Ethnomusicology vol. 9 no. 2, May 1965, pp. 137-144.
  • Ellis, Catherine J. "Transposition in South Australian Aboriginal Songs: Frequency Difference or Frequency Ratio?", Von Der Vielfalt Musikalischer Kultur: Festschrift für Joseph Kukkertz, Rüdiger Schumacher (ed.), Anif, Salzburg, 1992.
  • Ellis, Don. Quarter Tones. A text with musical examples, exercises and etudes. Harold Branch Publishing, Plainview NY, 1975, 92 pages.
  • Ellison, Paul M. The Key to Beethoven: Connecting Tonality and Meaning in His Music. Boydell & Brewer, Pendragon Press, New York, Dec 2014, 437 pages.
  • Ellison, Ryan K. Historical Tuning Systems and Temperaments. The Chicago School for Piano Technology, July 2012.
  • Elliston, Thomas. Organs and Tuning: A practical handbook for organists; being a treatise on the construction, mechanism, and fine tuning of the instrument. London, 1894, 1895, 204 pages. Reprint, 3rd edition, Weekes & Co., London, 1911, 464 pages. Weekes & Co., London, 1916, 535 pages. Weekes & Co., London, 1924, 764 pages.
  • Ellsworth, Oliver B. "A Fourteenth-Century Proposal for Equal Temperament", Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies vol. 5, The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of California Press, 1974, pp. 445-453.
  • Ellsworth, Oliver B. The Berkeley Manuscript. Greek and Latin Music Theory (Book 2). University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln NE, Aug 1984, 317 pages.
  • Ellsworth, Ray. "The weird, wonderful world of Harry Partch (music review)", The American Record Guide, Oct 1958, pp. 110-112.
  • Elsberry, Kristie Beverly (ed.) 'Élémens de musique, théorique et pratique, suivant les principes de M. Rameau' by Jean Le Rond d'Alembert: An Annotated New Translation and a Comparison to Rameau's Theoretical Writings. PhD thesis, School of Music, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 1984.
  • Elsner, Jürgen (ed.) Maqam, Raga, Zeilenmelodik: Konzeptionen und Prinzipien der Musikproduktion: Materialien der 1. Arbeitstagung der Study Group 'Maqam' beim International Council for Traditional Music vom 28. Juni bis 2. Juli 1988 in Berlin. Berlin, 1989, 344 pages.
  • Elsner, Jürgen and Gisa Jahnichen (eds.) Regionale maqam-Traditionen in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Materialien der 2. Arbeitstagung der Study Group "maqam" des International Council for Traditional Music vom 23. bis 28. März 1992. Gosen bei Berlin, 2 vols., 1992, 593 pages.
  • Elsner, Jürgen. "Report on the 7th meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Maqam", International Council for Traditional Music, Baku, Mar 2011.
  • Elson, Louis C. "Acoustics: Suggestions in Behalf of an Unpopular Subject", The Musical Quarterly vol. 1 no. 3, July 1915, pp. 410-415.
  • Elst, Joannes van der. Den ouden ende nieuwen grondt vande mvsiicke bevanghende De vermeerderinghe ende verbeteringhe vanden sangh. Maximiliaen Graet, Gent, 1662, 88 pages.
  • Elster, Steven. "A Harmonic and Serial Analysis of Ben Johnston's String Quartet no. 6", Perspectives of New Music vol. 29 no. 2, summer 1991, pp. 138-165.
  • Ely, Mark C. "Effects of timbre on college woodwind players' intonation performance and perception", Journal of Research in Music Education vol. 40 no. 2, summer 1992, pp. 158-167.
  • Emerson, Louville Eugene. "The feeling-value of unmusical tone-intervals", Harvard psychological studies, Mifflin and Company, Boston/Houghton, 1906, pp. 269-274.
  • Emerson, Phillip L.; Elisabeth Camus and Chris Richards. "Two-voice music programming system: The PDP-9 as an automatic electronic organ", Behavior Research Methods vol. 3 no. 3, 1971, pp. 164-166.
  • Émery, Éric. Les gammes et les problèmes d'esthétique musicale qui s'y rapportent. PhD thesis, École Polytechnique fédérale de Zürich, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1961, 168 pages.
  • Émery, Éric. La gamme et le langage musical. Bibliothèque internationale de musicologie, Gisèle Brelet (ed.), Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 1961, 165 pages.
  • Emmanuel, Maurice. "The creation of the violin and its consequences", English translation by G.R., The Musical Quarterly vol. 23 no. 4, Oct 1937, pp. 509-515.
  • Enders, Bernd. Studien zur Durchhörbarkeit und Intonationsbeurteilung von Akkorden. Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung Band 115, Bosse Verlag, Regensburg, 1981, 228 pages.
  • Enders, Bernd. "Stimmungswechsel - Variable Stimmungen per Computersteuerung", Das Musikinstrument vol. 38 no. 8, 1989, pp. 26-32.
  • Enders, Bernd (ed.) Mathematische Musik - musikalische Mathematik. Pfau Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2005, 137 pages with audio CD and CDROM.
  • Enevoldsen, Keith. "Twelve-Tone Musical Scale", WWW, 2003-2016.
  • Engel, Carl. Music of the most Ancient Nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, Hebrews. John Murray, London, 1864. Facsimile reprint William Reeves, London, 1929, 379 pages. Yokai Publishing, Sep 2010, Franklin Classics, Oct 2018, 386 pages.
  • Engel, Carl. An Introduction to the Study of National Music. Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, London, 1866, 435 pages.
  • Engel, Gustav. Die Vocaltheorie von Helmholtz & die Kopfstimme: Separatabdruck aus dem Programm der neuen Akademie der Tonkunst für 1867. W. Hertz, Berlin, 1867, 18 pages.
  • Engel, Gustav. Das mathematische Harmonium: Ein Hülfsmittel zur Veranschaulichung der reinen Ton-Verhältnisse. Verlag von Carl Habel, Berlin, 1881, 73 pages.
  • Engel, Gustav. "Eine mathematische-harmonische Analyse des Don Giovanne von Mozart", Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft vol. 3, 1887, p. 491.
  • Engel, Gustav. Die Bedeutung der Zahlenverhältnisse für die Tonempfindung. Dresden, 1892.
  • Engelhardt, Jakob. "Comment on 'A Reconstruction of the Well-Tempered Tuning of Johann Sebastian Bach'", Das Musikinstrument vol. 29, 1980, pp. 956-960.
  • Eppelsheim, Jürgen. "Stimmlagen und Stimmungen der Ensemble-Streichinstrumente im 16. und frühen 17. Jahrhundert", Capella Antiqua München Festschrift, Verlang Hans Schneider, Tutzing, 1988, pp. 145-173.
  • Epstein, Abraham. Piano tuning: Its significance in music education. MA thesis, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Aug 1950, 147 pages.
  • Eradus, W.J. "Stemmen en stemmingen in de muziek", Kerk en Muziek vol. 34 no. 5, Sep-Oct 1985, pp. 2-5.
  • Erb, J. Lawrence. Elementary theory: comprising the study of scales and intervals. Conservatory Press, Wooster OH, c.1911, 14 pages.
  • Erdman, James. "The influence and reputation of Andreas Werckmeister in the United States", Bericht über das Werckmeister-Kolloquium, Kultur- und Forschungsstätte Michaelstein, Michaelstein/Blankenburg, 1986, pp. 77-90.
  • Erdmann, Jerzy. "Ein Rechenmodell für historische Mensurationsmethoden", Acta Organologica vol. 23, 1992, pp. 339-350 with French and English abstract.
  • Eren, Ozan and Ugur Zeynep Güven. "Microtonal Guitar Culture in Turkey", Musicologist vol. 6 no. 1, June 2022, pp. 1-25. Also here.
  • Erguner, Suleyman. Rauf Yektâ Bey (in Turkish). Kitabevi Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2003, 2015.
  • Erickson, Raymond. "Concerning Measured Music (De Mensurabili Musica) by Johannes de Garlandia translated by Stanley H. Birnbaum (book review)", Journal of Music Theory vol. 26 no. 1, spring 1982, pp. 169-178.
  • Erickson, Raymond. Musica enchiriadis and Scolica enchiriadis. English translation with introduction and critical notes, Claude V. Palisca (ed.), Yale University Press, New York, 1995.
  • Erickson, Robert. "The Musical System of Archytas", San Francisco, Apr 1965. Also in ex tempore vol. 6 no. 2, summer 1993.
  • Erickson, Ron. "The Music of James Tenney (book review)", 1/1 vol. 1 no. 3, 1985, p. 4.
  • Erickson, Ron. "Timbre and tuning of the Balinese gamelan", Soundings vol. 14-15, Santa Fe NM, 1986, pp. 61-62.
  • Erkvanidze, Malkhaz. "Kartuli Musikis Bgerattsqoba / On Georgian scale system", Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, International Research Center for Traditional Polyphony of Tbilisi State Conservatoire, Tbilisi, 2002, pp. 178-185.
  • Erkvanidze, Malkhaz. "The Georgian Musical System (a Short Review)" (in Georgian and English), The Seventh International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, Rusudan Turtsumia and Joseph Jordania (eds.), Tbilisi, 2015, pp. 456-470.
  • Erkvanidze, Malkhaz. "The Georgian Musical System", 6th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, Dublin, June 2016, pp. 74-79. Also here.
  • Erkvanidze, Malkhaz. "The Georgian Modal System", Georgian Chant, WWW, 2016. Article above is a previous version.
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