List of intervals

List of English interval names.

 1/1  unison, perfect prime
 2/1  octave
 3/2  perfect fifth
 4/3  perfect fourth
 5/3  major sixth, BP sixth
 5/4  major third
 6/5  minor third
 7/3  minimal tenth, BP tenth
 7/4  harmonic seventh
 7/5  septimal or Huygens' tritone, BP fourth
 7/6  septimal minor third
 8/5  minor sixth
 8/7  septimal whole tone
 9/4  major ninth
 9/5  just minor seventh, BP seventh
 9/7  septimal major third, BP third
 9/8  major whole tone
 10/7  Euler's tritone
 10/9  minor whole tone
 11/5  neutral ninth
 11/6  undecimal neutral seventh, 21/4-tone
 11/7  undecimal augmented fifth
 11/8  undecimal semi-augmented fourth
 11/9  undecimal neutral third
 11/10  Ptolemy's second, 4/5-tone
 12/7   septimal major sixth
 12/11  undecimal neutral second, 3/4-tone
 13/7   16/3-tone
 13/8   tridecimal neutral sixth
 13/9   tridecimal diminished fifth
 13/10  tridecimal semi-diminished fourth
 13/11  tridecimal minor third
 13/12  tridecimal 2/3-tone
 14/9   septimal minor sixth
 14/11  undecimal diminished fourth or major third
 14/13  2/3-tone
 15/7   septimal minor ninth, BP ninth
 15/8   classic major seventh
 15/11  undecimal augmented fourth
 15/13  tridecimal 5/4-tone
 15/14  major diatonic semitone
 16/7   septimal major ninth
 16/9   Pythagorean minor seventh
 16/11  undecimal semi-diminished fifth
 16/13  tridecimal neutral third
 16/15  minor diatonic semitone
 17/8   septendecimal minor ninth
 17/9   septendecimal major seventh
 17/10  septendecimal diminished seventh
 17/12  2nd septendecimal tritone
 17/14  supraminor third
 17/15  septendecimal whole tone
 17/16  17th harmonic
 18/11  undecimal neutral sixth
 18/13  tridecimal augmented fourth
 18/17  Arabic lute index finger
 19/10  undevicesimal major seventh
 19/12  undevicesimal minor sixth
 19/15  undevicesimal ditone
 19/16  19th harmonic
 19/17  quasi-meantone
 19/18  undevicesimal semitone
 20/9   small ninth
 20/11  large minor seventh
 20/13  tridecimal semi-augmented fifth
 20/17  septendecimal augmented second
 20/19  small undevicesimal semitone
 21/11  undecimal major seventh
 21/16  narrow fourth
 21/17  submajor third
 21/20  minor semitone
 22/13  tridecimal major sixth
 22/15  undecimal diminished fifth
 22/19  Godzilla third
 22/21  undecimal minor semitone
 23/12  vicesimotertial major seventh
 23/16  23rd harmonic
 23/18  vicesimotertial major third
 23/22  Mersenne chromatic semitone
 24/13  tridecimal neutral seventh
 24/17  1st septendecimal tritone
 24/19  smaller undevicesimal major third
 24/23  vicesimotertial minor semitone
 25/9   classic augmented eleventh, BP twelfth
 25/12  classic augmented octave
 25/14  middle minor seventh
 25/16  classic augmented fifth
 25/18  classic augmented fourth
 25/21  BP second, quasi-equal minor third
 25/22  undecimal acute whole tone
 25/24  classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma
 26/15  tridecimal semi-augmented sixth
 26/25  tridecimal 1/3-tone
 27/14  septimal major seventh
 27/16  Pythagorean major sixth
 27/17  septendecimal minor sixth
 27/20  acute fourth
 27/22  neutral third, Zalzal wosta of al-Farabi
 27/23  vicesimotertial minor third
 27/25  large limma, BP small semitone, Zarlino semitone
 27/26  tridecimal comma
 28/15  grave major seventh
 28/17  submajor sixth
 28/19  Hendrix fifth
 28/25  middle second
 28/27  Archytas' 1/3-tone
 29/16  29th harmonic
 30/17  septendecimal minor seventh
 30/19  smaller undevicesimal minor sixth
 31/16  31st harmonic
 31/30  31st-partial chroma
 32/15  minor ninth
 32/17  17th subharmonic
 32/19  19th subharmonic
 32/21  wide fifth
 32/23  23rd subharmonic
 32/25  classic diminished fourth
 32/27  Pythagorean minor third
 32/29  29th subharmonic
 32/31  Greek enharmonic 1/4-tone
 33/20  undecimal submajor sixth
 33/25  2 pentatones
 33/26  tridecimal major third
 33/28  undecimal minor third
 33/32  undecimal comma, al-Farabi's 1/4-tone
 34/19  quasi-mean seventh
 34/21  supraminor sixth
 34/27  septendecimal major third
 35/18  septimal semi-diminished octave
 35/24  septimal semi-diminished fifth
 35/27  septimal semi-diminished fourth, 9/4-tone
 35/32  septimal neutral second
 35/34  septendecimal 1/4-tone
 36/19  smaller undevicesimal major seventh
 36/25  classic diminished fifth
 36/35  septimal diesis, 1/4-tone
 37/32  37th harmonic
 39/32  39th harmonic, Zalzal wosta of Ibn Sina
 40/21  acute major seventh
 40/27  grave fifth
 40/33  undecimal supraminor third
 40/39  tridecimal minor diesis
 42/25  quasi-equal major sixth
 44/25  undecimal grave minor seventh
 44/27  neutral sixth
 45/28  septimale wide minor sixth
 45/32  diatonic tritone
 45/44  1/5-tone
 46/45  23rd-partial chroma
 48/25  classic diminished octave
 48/35  septimal semi-augmented fourth
 49/25  BP eighth
 49/30  larger approximation to neutral sixth
 49/36  Arabic lute acute fourth
 49/40  larger approximation to neutral third
 49/45  BP minor semitone
 49/44  undecimal minor whole tone
 49/48  slendro diesis, septimal 1/6-tone
 50/27  grave major seventh
 50/33  3 pentatones
 50/49  Erlich's decatonic comma, tritonic diesis
 51/40  septendecimal diminished fourth
 51/50  17th-partial chroma
 52/33  tridecimal minor sixth
 54/35  septimal semi-augmented fifth
 54/49  Zalzal's mujannab
 55/36  undecimal semi-augmented fifth
 55/39  tridecimal tritone
 55/48  undecimal semi-augmented whole tone
 55/49  quasi-equal major second
 55/54  telepathma
 56/45  septimal narrow major third
 56/55  undecimal diesis, konbini comma
 57/32  undevicesimal minor seventh
 57/56  Hendrix comma
 60/49  smaller approximation to neutral third
 63/25  quasi-equal major tenth, BP eleventh
 63/32  octave - septimal comma
 63/34  submajor seventh
 63/40  narrow minor sixth
 63/50  quasi-equal major third
 64/33  33rd subharmonic
 64/35  septimal neutral seventh
 64/37  37th subharmonic
 64/39  39th subharmonic
 64/45  2nd tritone
 64/49  2 septatones or septatonic major third
 64/63  septimal comma, Archytas' comma
 65/64  13th-partial chroma
 66/65  Winmeanma
 68/35  23/4-tone
 68/63  supraminor second
 68/65  Valentine semitone
 72/49  Arabic lute grave fifth
 72/55  undecimal semi-diminished fourth
 72/59  Ibn Sina's neutral third
 74/73  approximation to Pythagorean comma
 75/49  BP fifth
 75/56  marvelous fourth
 75/64  classic augmented second
 77/64  Keemun minor third
 77/72  undecimal secor
 77/76  approximation to 53-tone comma
 78/71  porcupine neutral second
 78/77  tridecimal minor third comma
 80/49  smaller approximation to neutral sixth
 80/63  wide major third
 81/44  2nd undecimal neutral seventh
 81/50  acute minor sixth
 81/64  Pythagorean major third
 81/68  Persian wosta
 81/70  Al-Hwarizmi's lute middle finger 
 81/80  syntonic comma, Didymus comma
 85/72  septendecimal minor third
 85/84  monk comma
 88/49  undecimal minor seventh
 88/81  2nd undecimal neutral second
 89/84  quasi-equal semitone
 91/59  15/4-tone
 91/90  medium tridecimal comma, superleap
 92/91  undinisma
 96/95  19th-partial chroma
 98/55  quasi-equal minor seventh
 99/70  2nd quasi-equal tritone
 99/98  small undecimal comma
 100/63  quasi-equal minor sixth
 100/81  grave major third
 100/97  Shrutar quarter tone
 100/99  Ptolemy's comma
 105/64  septimal neutral sixth
 105/104 small tridecimal comma
 112/75  marvelous fifth
 112/99  undecimal major second
 117/88  tridecimal gentle fourth
 120/119 lynchisma
 121/64  Alpharabian major seventh
 121/120 undecimal seconds comma, biyatisma
 125/64  classic augmented seventh, octave - minor diesis
 125/72   classic augmented sixth
 125/96   classic augmented third
 125/108  semi-augmented whole tone
 125/112  classic augmented semitone
 126/125  septimal semicomma, Starling comma
 128/75   diminished seventh
 128/81   Pythagorean minor sixth
 128/105  septimal neutral third
 128/121  undecimal semitone
 128/125  minor diesis, diesis
 135/112  septimal wide minor third
 135/128  major chroma, major limma
 140/99   quasi-equal tritone
 144/125  classic diminished third
 144/143  Grossma
 145/144  29th-partial chroma
 153/125  7/4-tone
 153/152  Ganassi's comma
 154/153  augustma
 160/81   octave - syntonic comma
 160/107  Milliet de Chales 1/4-comma fifth
 161/93   19/4-tone
 162/149  Persian neutral second
 168/89   quasi-equal major seventh
 169/162  tridecimal tritonic third tone
 169/168  Schulter's comma
 176/175  valinorsma
 192/125  classic diminished sixth
 192/175  septimal 4/5-tone
 196/195  mynucuma
 209/208  yama comma
 210/209  spleen comma
 216/125  semi-augmented sixth
 224/135  narrow septimal major sixth
 225/128  augmented sixth
 225/224  septimal kleisma
 231/200  5/4-tone
 241/221  Meshaqah's 3/4-tone
 243/125  octave - maximal diesis
 243/128  Pythagorean major seventh
 243/160  acute fifth
 243/200  acute minor third
 243/224  Archytas' 2/3-tone
 243/242  neutral third comma, rastma
 245/242  Nautilus comma
 245/243  minor BP diesis, Sensamagic comma
 246/239  Meshaqah's 1/4-tone
 248/243  tricesoprimal comma
 250/153  17/4-tone
 250/243  maximal diesis, Porcupine comma
 256/135  octave - major chroma
 256/225  Neapolitan diminished third
 256/243  limma, Pythagorean minor second
 256/245  septimal minor semitone
 256/255  septendecimal kleisma
 261/256  vicesimononal comma
 270/161  Kirnberger's sixth
 272/243  Persian whole tone
 273/256  Ibn Sina's minor second
 273/272  tannisma
 275/273  Garibert comma
 289/288  septendecimal minor second comma
 320/243  grave fourth
 321/320  Milliet de Chales 1/4-comma
 325/324  marveltwin
 327/326  Brues 1/4-comma
 351/350  ratwolf comma
 352/343  supracomma
 352/351  minthma
 361/360  Dudon comma
 364/363  gentle comma
 375/256  double augmented fourth
 375/343  BP major semitone, minor BP chroma
 385/384  undecimal kleisma, Keemun comma
 392/375  prograde septimal third tone
 400/243  grave major sixth
 405/256  wide augmented fifth
 405/392  greenwoodma
 441/440  Werckmeister's undecimal septenarian schisma
 512/343  3 septatones or septatonic fifth
 512/375  double diminished fifth
 512/405  narrow diminished fourth
 512/507  tridecimal neutral third comma
 513/512  undevicesimal comma, Boethius' comma
 525/512  Avicenna enharmonic diesis
 540/539  Swets' comma
 561/560  Tsaharuk comma 
 621/620  owowhatsthisma
 625/324  octave - major diesis
 625/512  classic neutral third
 625/567  BP great semitone, major BP chroma
 625/624  tunbarsma
 640/637  huntma
 648/625  major diesis
 675/512  wide augmented third
 676/675  island comma
 686/675  senga
 687/500  11/4-tone
 715/714  septendecimal bridge comma
 729/400  acute minor seventh
 729/512  Pythagorean tritone
 729/640  acute major second
 729/704  undecimal major diesis
 729/728  squbema
 736/729  vicesimotertial comma
 749/500  ancient Chinese quasi-equal fifth
 750/749  ancient Chinese tempering
 800/729  grave whole tone
 847/845  Cuthbert comma
 875/864  keema
 896/891  undecimal semicomma, pentacircle
 936/935  ainos comma
 1001/1000 fairytale comma
 1024/675  narrow diminished sixth
 1024/729  Pythagorean diminished fifth
 1029/1000 keega
 1029/1024 gamelan residue
 1053/1024 tridecimal major diesis
 1089/1088 twosquare comma
 1125/1024 double augmented prime
 1188/1183 kestrel comma
 1215/1024 wide augmented second
 1216/1215 Eratosthenes' comma
 1225/1224 noema
 1232/1215 sensmus
 1280/729  grave minor seventh
 1288/1287 triaphonisma
 1331/1296 Alpharabian parachromatic semilimma
 1331/1323 aphrowe
 1344/1331 hemimin
 1350/1331 large tetracot diesis
 1375/1372 moctdel
 1445/1444 quasi-meantone comma
 1575/1573 Nicola
 1617/1600 antimisma
 1682/1681 Shaftesburisma
 1716/1715 lummic comma
 1728/1715 Orwell comma
 1729/1728 Ramajunanisma
 1732/1731 approximation to 1 cent
 1875/1024 double augmented sixth
 2025/1024 2 tritones
 2048/1125 double diminished octave
 2048/1215 narrow diminished seventh
 2048/1875 double diminished third
 2048/2025 diaschisma
 2057/2048 Blume comma
 2058/2057 xenisma
 2080/2079 ibnsinma
 2187/1280 acute major sixth
 2187/2000 Gorgo limma
 2187/2048 apotome
 2187/2176 septendecimal schisma
 2192/2187 Fine Structure comma
 2197/2187 threedie
 2200/2197 Parizek comma, petrma
 2401/2400 Breedsma
 2430/2401 nuwell comma
 2432/2431 Blumeyer comma
 2560/2187 grave minor third
 2926/2925 neovulture comma
 3025/3024 Lehmerisma
 3125/2916 quasi-equal 10-tone semitone
 3125/3072 small diesis, magic comma
 3125/3087 major BP diesis, gariboh comma
 3136/3125 middle second comma
 3159/3125 Aldebaran comma
 3375/2048 double augmented fifth
 3388/3375 myhemiwell
 3645/2048 wide augmented sixth
 3645/3584 schismean
 4000/3969 small septimal comma
 4000/3993 undecimal schisma
 4096/2187 Pythagorean diminished octave
 4096/2401 4 septatones or septatonic major sixth
 4096/3375 double diminished fourth
 4096/3645 narrow diminished third
 4096/3993 Alpharabian paralimma
 4096/4095 tridecimal schisma, Sagittal schismina
 4131/4096 Hunt flat 2 comma
 4225/4224 leprechaun comma
 4375/4356 fanfares comma
 4375/4374 ragisma
 4608/4235 Arabic neutral second
 5120/5103 Beta 5, Garibaldi comma
 5625/4096 double augmented third
 5632/5625 vishdel
 6144/3125 octave - small diesis
 6144/6125 porwell comma
 6250/6237 liganellus comma
 6561/4096 Pythagorean augmented fifth
 6561/5120 acute major third
 6561/6125 BP major link
 6561/6250 ripple
 6561/6400 Mathieu superdiesis
 6655/6561 Triple BP comma
 6656/6655 jacobin comma
 8019/8000 Catakleismic comma
 8192/5625 double diminished sixth
 8192/6561 Pythagorean diminished fourth
 8192/8019 undecimal minor diesis
 9801/9800 kalisma, Gauss' comma
10125/8192 double augmented second
10240/6561 grave minor sixth
10648/10647 harmonisma
10935/8192  fourth + schisma, 5-limit approximation to ET fourth
10976/10935 hemimage
10985/10976 cantonisma
12376/12375 flashma
14400/14399 sparkisma
14641/14580 semicanousma
15625/15309 great BP diesis
15625/15552 kleisma, semicomma majeur
16384/10125 double diminished seventh
16384/10935 fifth - schisma, 5-limit approximation to ET fifth
16384/16335 semiporwellisma
16807/16384 cloudy
16875/16384 double augmentation diesis, Negri comma
16875/16807 small BP diesis, mirkwai comma
17496/16807 septimal major diesis
18225/16807 minimal BP chroma
19657/19656 greater harmonisma
19683/10000 octave - minimal diesis
19683/10240 acute major seventh
19683/16384 Pythagorean augmented second
19683/19208 Laquadru comma
19683/19600 cataharry comma
20000/19683 minimal diesis
20480/19683 grave minor second
21875/19683 maximal BP chroma
23232/23231 lesser harmonisma
24576/24565 mavka comma
26411/26244 mechanism comma
28672/28431 Secorian
31104/30625 mandos
32768/16875 octave - double augmentation diesis
32768/19683 Pythagorean diminished seventh
32768/16807 5 septatones or septatonic diminished octave
32805/32768 schisma
33075/32768 mirwomo comma
37180/37179 lateral comma
43904/43875 punctisma
43923/43904 hemigail
48013/48000 undevicesimal schisma
50421/50000 trimyna
52973/50000 Mersenne's quasi-equal semitone
59049/32768 Pythagorean augmented sixth
59049/57344 Harrison's comma
64827/64000 Squalentine
65536/32805 octave - schisma
65536/59049 Pythagorean diminished third
65536/64827 Saquadru comma
65536/65219 orgonisma
65625/65536 horwell comma
78125/73728 Woolhouse semitone
78732/78125 medium semicomma, Sensi comma
83349/78125 BP minor link
100000/99873 Fine Structure schisma
110592/109375 valenwuer
118098/117649 stearnsma
123201/123200 chalmersia
131072/130321 Hunt 19-cycle comma
131072/130977 olympia
131769/131072 Alpharabian comma
147456/78125  Woolhouse major seventh
151263/151250 odiheim
153664/151875 negricorn
160083/160000 bilozogugu
177147/131072 Pythagorean augmented third
177147/175000 secanticornisma
177147/175616 Latriru comma
179200/177147 tolerma
194481/194480 supraminor scintillisma
200704/200475 reef comma
234375/234256 sesdecal
235298/234375 triwellisma
250047/250000 Landscape comma
262144/177147 Pythagorean diminished sixth
262144/253125 Passion comma
264627/262144 Betarabian comma
336141/336140 Akseial comma
321489/320000 varunisma
390625/196608 octave - Würschmidt's comma
390625/373248 doublewide
390625/388962 dimcomp comma
393216/390625 Würschmidt's comma
413343/390625 BP small link
420175/419904 wizma
458752/455625 mistisma
531441/262144 Pythagorean augmented seventh
531441/500000 wronecki
531441/524288 Pythagorean comma, ditonic comma
537824/531441 Saquinzo comma
589824/588245 hewuermera
703125/702464 meter comma
823543/819200 quince
823543/820125 complementary BP diesis
839808/823543 Sepru comma
1048576/531441 Pythagorean diminished ninth
1594323/1048576 Pythagorean double augmented fourth
1594323/1562500 Unicorn comma
1600000/1594323 Amity comma, kleisma - schisma
1638400/1594323 Immunity comma
1771561/1771470 parimo
1959552/1953125 parkleiness
1990656/1953125 Valentine comma
2097152/1594323 Pythagorean double diminished fifth
2097152/2083725 bronzisma
2097152/2093663 bean
2100875/2097152 rainy comma
2109375/2097152 semicomma, Fokker's comma
2500000/2470629 mermisma
3294225/3294172 ultimo
4096000/4084101 hemfiness
4782969/4194304 Pythagorean double augmented prime
4802000/4782969 Canou comma
5000000/4782969 sevond
5250987/5242880 mitonisma
8388608/4782969 Pythagorean double diminished octave
9765625/9565938 Fifives comma
9765625/9680832 compass comma
10077696/9765625  mynic
14348907/8388608  Pythagorean double augmented fifth
14348907/14336000 skeetsma
16777216/14348907 Pythagorean double diminished fourth
29360128/29296875 Freivald comma
33554432/33480783 Beta 2, septimal schisma
40960000/40353607 slither
34171875/33554432 Ampersand's comma
40353607/40310784 septimal ennealimma
43046721/33554432 Pythagorean double augmented second
43046721/41943040 Lalagu comma
48828125/47775744 Sycamore comma
51018336/48828125 nusecond
67108864/43046721 Pythagorean double diminished seventh
67108864/66430125 Misty comma, diaschisma - schisma
78125000/78121827 euzenius
102760448/102515625 Loki comma
117440512/117406179 quartisma
129140163/67108864 Pythagorean double augmented sixth
129140163/128000000 graviton, gravity comma
131072000/129140163 roda
134217728/119574225 whole tone - 2 schismas, 5-limit approximation to ET whole tone
134217728/129140163 Pythagorean double diminished third
134217728/133984375 vorwell comma
201768035/201326592 wadisma
387420489/268435456 Pythagorean double augmented third
390625000/387420489 quartonic comma
536870912/387420489 Pythagorean double diminished sixth
536870912/535869675 lifthrasirsma
645700815/645657712 starscape
854296875/843308032 Blackjack comma
1162261467/536870912 Pythagorean double augmented seventh
1162261467/1073741824 Pythagorean-19 comma
1220703125/1162261467 Trithagorean comma
1220703125/1207959552 ditonma
1224440064/1220703125 parakleisma
6115295232/6103515625 Vishnu comma
34359738368/31381059609 Pythagorean-22 comma
274877906944/274658203125 semithirds comma
7629394531250/7625597484987 ennealimmal comma
19073486328125/19042491875328 '19-tone' comma
450359962737049600/450283905890997363 monzisma
36893488147419103232/36472996377170786403 '41-tone' comma
19383245667680019896796723/19342813113834066795298816 Mercator's comma

"BP" stands for Bohlen-Pierce, see the Bohlen-Pierce site.

For this compilation various sources were used such as Helmholtz' On the Sensations of Tone and Fokker's Rekenkundige bespiegeling der muziek.

A consistent system of nomenclature is described in Dave Keenan: A note on the naming of musical intervals.

Compiled by Manuel Op de Coul.