
FOKKER ORGAN CONCERTS in 2024 | Small Hall | Muziekgebouw A'dam

Since 2009, the Huygens-Fokker Foundation has been organizing concerts with the Fokker organ (1950) in the Small Hall of the Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam. The six to eight concert programs a year around this 31-tone organ are all very different and vary from early music to experimental music. In 2024, in addition to the regular organists Ere Lievonen and Laurens de Man, various musicians will participate in the concert series, such as Una Cintiņa, Bram Stadhouders, Raymond Honing, Michel Marang, Manuel Visser, Stefan Gerritsen, Anne Veinberg, Glenn Liebaut, Gregory Oakes and Ned McGowan. Click on CALENDAR for more info!

HIGHLIGHT | The wonderful world of 31-tone music | December 10, 2023

his morning, Vokalprojekt 31 brings the best examples of 31-tone music that can be performed by four singers and 31-tone organ, combined with music in meantone tuning. The 31-tone tuning produces wonderful and fascinating music in which the different voices make beautiful colors when they create harmonies together. Works from the Renaissance, early Baroque and contemporary era, which demonstrate the human voice's ability to sing microtones, are alternated during this program. With works by Vicentino, Kadar, Arend, Muenz, Badings, Germanus, Van Dijk and Gesualdo. Read more.

Call for scores!
The Huygens-Fokker Foundation is seeking new works for Fokker organ (31-tone organ), composed for performer or for laptop, controlling the instrument through MIDI. A combination of the Fokker organ and the Carrillo-piano is also possible (check the corresponding tones here). Submitted compositions will be evaluated on playability and quality before considering a possible performance during our next Fokker organ concert series.

Become a donor!

Support the Huygens-Fokker Foundation by becoming a donor, so we're able to continue our microtonal work.
Adopt an organ pipe!
Read more about the various possibilities here.