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The calendar you find here contains a selection of general microtonal activities, like concerts, and our own meetings.

Dutch Microtonal Society

Sunday April 19, 2009 : Discussion. What is microtonal music? Are there still chances to change the musical world? Thoughts about the upcoming concerts of the renewed Fokker-organ in the BAM Hall. Location later apprised by e-mail.

Saturday December 6, 2008 : 14 h. Meeting at the Star Ferry restaurant of the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Discussion about the place of the Dutch Microtonal Society in music and the different ways it can support microtonal music.

Huygens-Fokker Foundation

Sunday May 17, 2009: 12 h. First concert Fokker-organ and festivities. BAM Hall, Amsterdam.

Sundays - Oct. 11, 2009/ Nov. 22, 2009/ Dec. 13, 2009/ Febr. 21, 2010/ Mar. 21, 2010/ May 30, 2010:
Fokker-organ concert series season 2009-2010 in the BAM Hall of the Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam.


Saturday December 13, 2008: 20 h, Cali School of Music, Montclair, New Jersey. Beatrice Crawford Memorial Concert, played by the Harry Partch Ensemble. The Ensemble performs a concert of microtonal music using original instruments created by the 20th century American composer Harry Partch.