Concert November 22, 2009 - Baroque ensemble La Barca Leyden

Concert | November 22nd 2009, 11.00 hours | BAM Zaal - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam

The fifth tone of Christiaan Huygens

Exploration, through ornamentation, use of enharmonic tones and Baroque improvisation, of the effect the existence of an instrument - such as the Fokker-organ - would have had on the music from Christiaan Huygens' time. Research has shown that the use of additional tones/keys (to be able to tune the instrument) led some composers of the seventeenth century to a bizarre use of chromatic micro tones. A chance for Baroque ensemble La Barca Leyden to rewrite the history of music.





Tickets can be ordered by calling the Muziekgebouw.

Sunday November 22nd 2009 | 11 uur | BAM Hall | Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

Prices: € 13,00 Normal |
€ 10,50 Stadspas |
€ 10,50 CJP  >>>

La Barca Leyden:

Valeria Mignaco - soprano

Raymond Honing - transverse flute

Elske Tinbergen - baroque cello

Cees van der Poel - Fokker organ

                                                                                                             Valeria Mignaco



D.Gesualdo de Venosa (ca. 1566-1613) / arr. R. Honing            Gagliarde / Magnificat
G. Salvatore (ca. 1610-1688) / arr. R. Honing                         Durezze e ligature / Dicemi spesso

S. van Noordt (1659-1705)                                                  Sonate

G. Strozzi (ca. 1615-1690)                                                  Toccata quarta per l'elevatione
G.M. Trabaci (ca.1575-1647) / arr. R. Honing                          Consonanza stravaganti / Amor

M. Rossi (ca. 1601/1602-1656)                                             Toccata settima

C. Huygens (1596-1687)                                                      Uit: Pathodia sacra et profana
                                                                                       - Ab omnibus
                                                                                       - Proba me Deus
                                                                                       - Riposta dalla finestra
                                                                                       - Graves tesmoins

Ch. Delusse (1720-1774)                                                      Air a la Grecque (fl, vcl, org)

M.P. de Monteclair (1667-1737)                                             Cantate “Le depit genereux”



    Baroque ensemble La Barca Leyden during the inaugural concert of the Fokker organ on 5-17-2009


This concert is made possible by the support of: The Nederlands Fonds voor Podiumkunsten+, the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, the SNS REAAL Fonds and the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Show our sponsors